Wednesday, August 8, 2007

There are many reasons people may decide to get a dog, but the majority of people get them because they are considered great companions and can also serve many different purposes such as an alarm, a hunting companion, an exercise partner, a playmate, or even a show dog. But people can always agree that they are usually seen as a great addition to the family.

Believe it or not, there are many people out there that believe their dog can’t be trained.
I believe that this is only true because they may use the wrong methods in training or they just don’t allow enough time for their dog to adjust. Some dogs "get it" within a couple of weeks, and others may take a little longer.

If you are thinking of training your dog any time soon, here are a couple of

Things That Work

· Tethering - A bonding technique that is great for housetraining, tethering is literally tying your self to your dog, and having him follow you throughout your day.

· Praise - Praise is the most basic ingredient for any success in dog training. Use a happy voice, an excited manner, and your dog will quickly understand when he's done something right. Praise profusely when he's gone outside to eliminate, and he'll get the idea.

· Timing - Watching your dog's intake throughout the day and timing his potty breaks. It will take a few days of observation to get the schedule down pat, but most dogs will eliminate approximately fifteen to twenty minutes after eating or drinking.

· Crate and Confinement Training - The basic principle of crate training states that whenever you can not watch the puppy directly, the puppy should be crated. This does not mean placing a puppy in a crate and leaving him there.

Things You Should NEVER Do

· Yelling - This will do nothing but give you a sore throat and make your dog afraid. They won't understand what you're angry about, They will just cower and look contrite in defense. This is not an acknowledgement of guilt; it's them wishing you wouldn't be scary.

· Rubbing Your Dog's Nose In It - A cruel and unusual punishment, not to mention damaging to your dog's sensitive nose. It wasn't made to hold up to enforced rubbing on anything, and you can permanently damage the delicate nasal tissues.

· Rolled-up Newspapers - Only acceptable if you plan to hit yourself with it when you forget to watch the puppy. Abusive methods don't work.


It is important to realize that not all dogs catch on as quickly as you would want them to, so be patient. Patience is key when you work with your dog or puppy. If you feel like you’re at the end of your leash before you’ve even started, don’t attempt to train your dog. Your dog is incredibly smart and will pick up on your emotions. Always remember, this is fun!

Because there are a lot of dogs that may be more difficult to train than others, there are many people (maybe even you) who may need quick resources to be sure training works effectively. Here are some possible training tools for you to choose from. And just remember, if training isn’t showing results right away, be patient because it will pay off in the end.
SitStayFetch Is The Number 1 Dog Training And Behavior Product On The Net And Has Been For Over 2 Years.

This Website Lets You Watch A Free Video That Shows How To Go About Training Your Dog Properly.
Dove Cresswells Dog Training Online

The Secrets A Retired Plumber And His Wife Used To Train Their Out Of Control Dog In One Evening!
Train Your Dog In One Evening

Quickly and Easily Train Your Dog or Puppy To Be Well Behaved At All Times.

D.i.y. Dog Training